Whether you love it, loathe it, or are completely indifferent to it, it’s very hard not to notice that Valentine’s Day is soon to be upon us. I’ll be honest, I am not a romantic, well not in the champagne, chocolate, candles and flowers sense. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of these things, (the first two possibly to excess!) but they have yet to make me swoon. My first experience of someone being upset by the Valentine’s gift they had received was when I lived with my friend Liz. Basically, her ex-boyfriend (guess she really didn’t like the gift) had given her a food processor for Valentine’s Day. Liz had wanted one for ages and he decided this would be an ideal gift. To pragmatic me, this was a perfectly suitable and romantic gift. It showed he had listened, thought about what she would like and knew that she wanted. To romantic Liz, however, although a great gift, it was just not the kind of gift you give someone for Valentine’s Day; a Valentines gift, she told me, should be full of whimsy, mystery and emotion. Her story left me with a completely flummoxed look on my face which only fuelled Liz’s frustration further. The more she tried to explain, the more I just didn’t get it. Years on, I still don’t really understand and I’m still not an advocate of Valentine’s Day, but I do realise that everyone likes to feel special now and again. How to make someone feel special? Well that’s different for everyone. I think for most people though, a gift that shows a unique understanding of that person or something that reflects a joke or shared moment between the two of you is always likely to be a winner. Having said that, maybe throw in some chocolates or champagne as well, just in case...